
Empowering users to build, share, and more deeply enjoy stories.

Navigate and Explore

Our approach is founded on principles we developed for documentary and educational materials — streamlined to enhance the movie and TV experience. The results lets you easily find new content and rediscover old content through more than a dozen paths of exploration.

A rich set of data, user comments, and external links support your exploration and provides a deeper, more meaningful experience.


Save and share titles, bookmarks, clips and notes. Build a collection of media items into your own narration — what we call a storylist.

Watch Anywhere

Your experience can be maintained in the cloud. openmediabank will roll-out interfaces to various sources enabling your content to be available across an expanding range of locations and devices.

How are we implementing these concepts? What additional revolutionary features do we have planned? That's the stealth part of the project...

If you love video media — if you long to experience the greater richness and depth that a unique Video-On-Demand solution can provide, let's talk!


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(C) 2006  Kris Carlsen